Lying in bed i listened to the rain fall down on the roof, the room was completly dark besides the gleam of the kitchen light down the hall. 'It's so dark i murmurmed to myself"
Pulling back the curtain the street was coated in a glissering coat of rain, each house lay still, quiet, content. I rose up looking down at my wolley bed socks looked at the time and realised it was 6, it was so dark today.
I began to think of last night and the magical moon i had seen whilst going for a walk to the beach, it was spectacular, large, speckled, the dark clouds were covering it made it even more beautiful to bear, but as i overlooked the water, dark waves rolling in, the sand still from the days doings, i again came back to a point that never ceases to leave me, how lucky are we, how beautiful is nature.
When you have a long day, or things just dont work out, it is nature that if raining, if snowing, if night or day remains a unforgetable reminder of how infanitly grateful we should be.
I know look forward to my day ahead, with that sweet reminder etched into my mind,
'I wonder what the moon will look like tonight?
Photographs;Sophie Letourneu.
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