Treasure each other in the recognition that we do not know how long we shall have each other.Joshua Loth Liebman.

Accept everything about yourself-I mean everything, You are you and that is the beginning and the end-no apologies, no regrets.Clark Moustakas.
Some say love is blind while others say there is love at first sight. For those who say love is blind, I say open your eyes and take in the endless possibilities of beauty and compassion. For those who believe in love at first sight, take time to close your eyes, look into your heart, and find out whose face it is that you see.John Shows.
Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired.Mother Teresa.
Throughout the years of your life you will face many challenges, remember that you can climb the highest mountain, drive through the roughest storm, soar across the bluest sky, or even sail across the roughest waters. It is only destined by your attitude where you will end up in life. The most important thing is don't let yourself get lost in the crowd.Angela Duvall.
There is a road, no simple highway, between the dawn and the dark of night, and if you go, no one may follow, that path is for your steps alone. .Jerry Garcia.
Think about your future possibilities and the fact that your potential is virtually unlimited. You can do what you want to do and go where you want to go. You can be the person you want to be. You can set large and small goals and make plans and move step-by-step, progressively toward their realization. There are no obstacles to what you can accomplish except the obstacles that you create in your mind.Brian Tracy.
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