Sunday, April 25, 2010


'a smile generates a smile just as love generates love'

'a loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.'

'friendship marks a life even more deeply than love'

'freedom is a possession of inestimable value'

'love builds bridges were there are none'

'joy is strength'

'learn from yesterday,live for today, hope for tomorrow'

'seize the moments of happiness'

'my home is not a place it is the people.'

'friends are treasures'

'love is the greatest refreshment in life'

'loved people are loving people'

'happiness is not in our circumstances but in ourselves'

'cherish all your happy moments; they make a fine cushion for old age'
'what the heart gives away is never gone it is kept in the hearts of others'
'we make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give'

'peace is not Gods gift to his creatures, it is our gift to each other'

All quotes are from a book my Oma gave me called 'Mewe, Love, Humanity and Us'
Photographs are of some of my family and me, Enjoy.

Once upon a Mermaid

I went for a swim in the ocean, it was a fine afternoon, the sun was setting creating a pink magical glow in the sky, the waves were rolling in. Along came a little girl, I would say she was about eight years old, edging her way closer to me, she cheerly said 'Hi , Im a Mermaid'. With a smile I replied 'So am I', I live under the sea with other mermaids, babies and doctors she replied. She went under the wave and came back up, 'that’s what mermaids do best' she said. It was sad when I eventually had to retreat out of the water. She was just beautiful, and she certainly made my day. I do hope she stays just as sweet as she was. The funny thing was I couldnt really see her parent around, and once I left the water and returned to my towel, she was gone. Perhaps she was a mermaid after all? Perhaps magical things do happen?
You just have to believe... Love and Peace.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


'when you come to the edge of all you know, you must believe one of two things; there will be earth upon which to stand, or you will be given wings to fly'.

Friday, April 16, 2010


The search for the meaning in life can be elusive. There may be brief moments that seem to have no menaing, which leave us with no tangible reason for continuing. It is essential to ride through these times, as what is awaiting at the other end is a step closer to understanding.
~The Circle of Life

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Cheers to family, new experiences and life.

I have just got back from a refreshing holiday, after fresh air, sunny days and family I am preparing myself for the return of school life. I can say with great pleasure I have only a short period left to go. I am excited and scared. There is one point about finishing that screams with joy that a new life will start, filled with adventures, experiences and a whole new journey. However there is that other part which remains still- stagnant almost fearing this outbreak from the norm.
For almost 12 years school has just become habit. Soon there will be new opportunities just knocking at the door so to speak. A job, university, reality? One extremely
exciting thing to look forward to, a word in which I love… love.
No Travel. May I mention I do like the word love too. But to Travel would be a future dream.
I am proud to mention I have no experience I have barely traveled outside a few states.
The only experience I really have is the Tourism course I am undertaking.
An alchemy of goodness just floating; soaring more like, above my head filled with eager anticipation and excitement.
For this dream to become reality I know that if I keep an open mind and loads of dedication I will basking in the sun in Greece, running through the rain in England and exploring the language of Lithuania.
One question I am constantly being asked is, what I will do after I leave school? I’m sure this is a frequently asked question, that has been asked from generation to generation because, of course people what to know what you will do, what you will make of yourself.
I always refer back to Shakespeare for this one;
‘We may know who we are, but not what we may become’
My favorite response was from my Pop who stated with his big old smile ‘Well kid that is a great way to look at it’ I also love my Mums perspective which is that at her age she still doesn’t know exactly what she wants to do.
On that topic of family, after spending time on my holiday with my dear Sister and my Nephew.
Making star angels on the beach, feeding bird and fish, searching for treasure and having my 17 month year old Nephew throw sand at me we came to agreement.

Being able to share time with those you love has its effect on you.
I was able to return home full of abundant ray of happiness. The only thing is how quick it can be before you miss someone. I have been fine up until today. I mean I usual love being by myself, the freedom, the quietness, time to ponder, dream and refresh.
On the contrary I have made the most of today being by myself, I have came to the understanding of finding joy in life, big or small.
One part of life at the moment which I find that sense of joy is yoga- I have started doing it a while back and I love it! It has allowed a huge flow of energy to re enlighten me, make me smile.
I feel healthier, happier and balanced which helps. I find that it helps me focus on all that I may have going on in my life, turn it to positive and sends me
on my own journey of discovery.
There you have it, lets cheers to the joy of new experiences, the passion for living, the gift of family, love and yoga.

'the beauty within your heart, within you...
express it and perhaps it will flow with another.' ~whispers from a gypsy

Thursday, April 8, 2010

because you are alive

'Because you are alive, everything is possible'
'Today is only the beginging, it is not the end'

Such a magical experience today.
Life certaintly is a journey and we are all walking on paths together just at different stages.
The people we meet in this life we meet for a reason and they will help us, they share their part with you.
Being alive is an experience all in itself.
We must treasure it and learn that nothing is worth our worry.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Colours of the Rainbow

'Its terrible to say. Very often the most exciting outfits are from the poorest people'
~Christian Lacroix

'The white light streams down to be broken up by those human prisms into all the colors of the rainbow' ~Charles R. Brown
'No creature is fully itself till it is, like the dandelion, opened in the bloom of pure relationship to the sun, the entire living cosmos' ~D.H. Lawrence

'Be what you are. This is the first step toward becoming better than you are' ~Julius Charles Hare

'What each must seek in his life never was on land or sea. It is something out of his own unique potentiality for experience, something that never has been and never could have been experienced by anyone else'
~Joseph Campbell

'Don't let anyone tell you that you have to be a certain way. Be unique. Be what you feel'
~Melissa Etheridge

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Surrounded by Love

After talking with one of my dear friends about love.
And also dreaming, seeing and experiencing.
I thought i would point out how important it is.
Its so special this thing called love.
We have it, we share it and sometimes we lose it,but only to gain it back in some other way.
I rememeber thinking as i walked past a family playing in the park how wonderful it is to have a family, after that i witnessed a wedding, how lovely it was to see that new passion of love that will be experienced.
No matter what is happening someone will alway love you.
Lets celebrate love over the easter holidays, lets try show love to those around us.
You never know who just might need it.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Magic Dwells

Magic dwells
in the empty
between our thought.

Such a blissful day today!
Went to the Olive Tree Markets, had Chai and Lemon Meringue.
Bought a screen printed cushion adorned with vintage push bikes for my car and a love heart dream like catcher.
Looking forward to the Easter holidays.

'Breathings of your Heart'

'With an eye made quiet by the power of harmony, and the deep power of joy, we see into the lives of things'

'Nature never did betray the heart that loved her'

'How does the meadow flower its bloom unfold? Because the lovely little flower is free down to its root, and in that freedom bold'

'Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher'

'What we need is not the will to believe, but the wish to find out'

'The ocean is a mighty harmonist'

'To begin,begin'

'Divided into three terms-that which was, which is, and which will be. Let us learn from the past to profit by the present, and from the present to live better in the future'

'Wisdom is often times nearer when we stoop than when we soar'

'The flower that smells the sweetest is shy and lovely'

'Her hair was thick with many a curl,she had a rustic woodland air & widly clad.Her eyes were fair,and very fair,her beauty made me glad'

'I listened motionless and still; And, as i mounted up he hill, the music in my heart i bore, Long after it was heard no more'

All quotes are by William Wordsworth.